Programs Offered
9:00-12:00 Preschool (ages 3 - 5)
Extended Preschool (ages 2 - 5)
Extended Preschool (ages 2 - 5)

All staff have National Background checks. Front lobby, office, multi-purpose room, classrooms, hallways, gym, and playground are monitored by security cameras. Lobby doors and code-secure door leading to classrooms are locked at all times. All families and visitors must check into the Heart & Soul Office upon arrival.

Campus Address Contact
Grace Heartland Church 270-982-0874
Family Life Center Building, 2nd Floor 270-735-6492
803 Pear Orchard Road heartandsoul@graceheartland.org
Elizabethtown KY 42701 heather@graceheartland.org
Grace Heartland Church 270-982-0874
Family Life Center Building, 2nd Floor 270-735-6492
803 Pear Orchard Road heartandsoul@graceheartland.org
Elizabethtown KY 42701 heather@graceheartland.org