At Heart & Soul Preschool, a large part of our day will focus on what kind of a friend Jesus
wants us to be: to know how to take care of others, work in a team, encourage our peers, and
build self-esteem. The goal of our curriculum is to help children realize that they have a God
who loves them, and is with them every moment of their day. He wants to be an active partner
with them in their lives, helping them make good choices and decisions. Heart & Soul wants to
help children learn how to “love the Lord with all of their heart, soul, mind, and body”.
wants us to be: to know how to take care of others, work in a team, encourage our peers, and
build self-esteem. The goal of our curriculum is to help children realize that they have a God
who loves them, and is with them every moment of their day. He wants to be an active partner
with them in their lives, helping them make good choices and decisions. Heart & Soul wants to
help children learn how to “love the Lord with all of their heart, soul, mind, and body”.
Children learn through play, by doing and experiencing things. At Heart & Soul, we offer a bible based curriculum, allowing children to explore the world around them. Our curriculum is a combination of several effective programs we have trialed successfully throughout the years. Each classroom alters their curriculum to fit the needs of their children, continuously updating and changing it as needed.
Traditional preschool themes are used in our classrooms each month, such as community helpers, seasons, children around the world, and insects. For instance, in August the focused themes will be My School, All About Me, and My Family. These themes help introduce the children to one another, introduce the children to their school environment, and builds upon the child’s independence. Bible lessons will also be incorporated into the theme units. For example, with the themes in August, children will learn that God created each of us uniquely and beautiful in His eyes.
Children will never be pressured to learn in any way. Activities will be offered in a fun and exciting, child-friendly format. When a child is ready to learn, then learning will occur. Whatever effort a child puts into the learning activities will be praised. Each child will be met at their individual level of learning, and encouraged, through praise and affirmation, to learn more.
Traditional preschool themes are used in our classrooms each month, such as community helpers, seasons, children around the world, and insects. For instance, in August the focused themes will be My School, All About Me, and My Family. These themes help introduce the children to one another, introduce the children to their school environment, and builds upon the child’s independence. Bible lessons will also be incorporated into the theme units. For example, with the themes in August, children will learn that God created each of us uniquely and beautiful in His eyes.
Children will never be pressured to learn in any way. Activities will be offered in a fun and exciting, child-friendly format. When a child is ready to learn, then learning will occur. Whatever effort a child puts into the learning activities will be praised. Each child will be met at their individual level of learning, and encouraged, through praise and affirmation, to learn more.