Deeper Life meets on Wednesday nights during the school year. It is one of the best ways we move deeper into enjoying Jesus Christ through studying God's Word and enjoying fellowship with one another around the dinner table. Dinner is served in the gym from 5:15-6:15pm ($7/person, max $24/family) and Bible studies meet from 6:45-7:45pm. Let us know you're coming and we will save a seat for you! Please fill out the form below to register. Submit reservations by Monday at 12pm.
Aug: 14 Breakfast
21 Meatballs
28 Pork Ribs
Sep: 4 Burger/chicken
11 Meatloaf
18 Chicken Marsala
25 Pork Loin
Oct: 2 Chicken Pot Pie
9 Fall Break
16 Breakfast
23 Pasta NIght
30 TBD
Nov: 6 Soup Night
13 Country Fried Steak
20 Community Appreciation Thanksgiving
Dec: 4 Chicken Florentine
11 Lasagna